Monday, December 3, 2018

The Company: We Aim to Please

The first of "The Company" caps. I didn't intend for it to become a reoccurring theme, but hey - it worked out well.

Yeah, I've got a thing for redheads. Fight me.

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Lighten the Load

Part 1
 Part 2

Originally a commission. College life is great, but can be stressful. Never spread yourself too thin.

Part 1 Full-Res Here:
Part 2 Full-Res Here:

The Geas: Not Really His Scene

Originally a commission. I don't have any musical talent, but would totally rock out to a cybergoth indie thrash-metal band called "Laser Garbage".

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The Fifth Stage

Originally a commission. Also, my first caption featuring a human-to-animal transformation.

Love and marriage sometimes suck.

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Good Things Happen to Good People

Part A
 Part B

Originally a commission. I don't know if any objectively "good" things happen to any of my characters, but this one ended up slightly better than most of them.

Part 1 Full-Res Here:
Part 2 Full-Res Here:

The Spell: A Kept Woman

A commission I did, based on "The Best Revenge is Living Well" and "So Sue Me."

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The Spell: So Sue Me

This was originally a request, and one of a few sort-of sequels to "The Best Revenge is Living Well". Also, generally speaking, it's one of my favorites in that series.

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All's Fair in Love and War

Who are you rooting for?

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People Are the Sum of Their Experiences

Not the best quality screengrab, but it'll suffice.

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The Kiss of Aphrodite

Magic can't all be bullshit, can it?

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Impact Quotient

What's your IQ?

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