Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas: A Gift For Myself

Part II of my Christmas captions! This one? Far more in line with what I want for Christmas. Happy holidays, all!

Sometimes, your roommate knows you better than you know yourself... but doesn't give a shit and gets themselves what they want.

Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcvatjr

Monday, December 24, 2018

Saturday, December 15, 2018

You Know What They Say About Tattoos

Part 1
 Part 2

My last Tumblr upload. More sexually charged than most of the stuff I've written. Screw them and their puritan ways.

Part 1 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcui0y6
Part 2 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcui1ce

Friday, December 7, 2018

Impact Quotient 2.0: A World of Possibilities

Part 1
 Part 2
 Part 3
 Part 4

My super-late 1 year anniversary caption.

EDIT - Reuploaded part 4 on 12/14/18 due to an editing mistake I missed the first time.

Part 1 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcsa4pd
Part 2 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcsa51h
Part 3 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcsa57f
Part 4 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcsa5go

Playing Hard to Get

Part 1
 Part 2

Participated in a cap swap with Kiera Williams and wrote a two-parter using her "Bimbo Virus" captions as a jumping off point. Check out her blog! Lots of great stuff there.
Part 1 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcpl64r
Part 2 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcpl6o2

Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Company: Your Very Last Chance

Part 1
 Part 2
 Epilogue Part 1
 Epilogue Part 2

My first "Choose Your Own Adventure" type caption! Also, with the choice the readers made...

Part 1 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcn57me
Part 2 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcn5851
Epilogue Part 1 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcoai1o
Epilogue Part 2 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcoaigk

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Importance of Competition

I enjoy football, but I can see why some people find it boring.

New Urges

Been a bit since I posted anything. Been wanting to do a cyberpunk type thing for a while, and Shadowrun is amazing, so why not? Besides, I can't get any of my players to agree to PLAY Shadowrun, so this is a nice compromise for myself.

Any runners out there - feel free to use this (or elements of this) as the basis for a character concept. For the rest of you, hope you enjoy.

Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dclbd7k

I Don't Get It

Sometimes doing a friend a favor isn't worth the hassle. Other times...?

Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcjfj16


Part 1
 Part 2

I've been wanting to do something based off the song "Rusalka, Rusalka/The Wild Rushes" by The Decemberists for a bit now, but wasn't sure how to work it into a story. Here we go.

And yes, I took some liberties with the folklore behind the Rusalki, but it's fine.

This one is a lot different than my typical captions. Not sure why, just wanted to write in a different style. Hope ya'll enjoy.

Part 1 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcij04l
Part 2 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcij0ov

Did You Make Her in a Computer?

Part 1
 Part 2

Of all the captions I've written, this one might be my favorite. Let's break down the reasons...

1) Hot Gamer Chick
2) Video game references
3) ....

Shit, that's all I can think of.

Part 1 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dchvjbl
Part 2 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dchvjti

Lost in Thought

Shorter than my usual length, but hey, you get what you get.

Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dch80lv

We Were Made For Each Other

Anyone ever meet someone named "Tucker" who wasn't a complete knob?

Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcfgi7j

The Geas: I Need a Favor

Part 1
 Part 2

A sequel to "The Geas: Not Really His Scene". Enjoy!

Part 1 Full Res Here: http://fav.me/dce3xm6
Part 2 Full Res Here: http://fav.me/dce3y0w

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

So, What Exactly is the Problem?

Recently got back into Lexx. I've owned the whole series for a while, but it's been years since I've seen it. Forgot how much fun it was - really unique sci-fi.

For the Lexx purists out there, yeah, I'm playing a bit fast and loose. Sue me. If you're getting up in arms about the workings of a machine called a Lusticon, I can't help you. And it's not like there's a ton of conflicting information out there anyways.

Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcdpfkq

Doing What You Love

Getting paid to do what you love. It's the American dream, right? True story - I almost titled this "I Don't Know What To Do With My Hands!" because every time I hear that line, it makes me laugh.

Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dcb8z3n

Any Idea What You Want?

Reality can be fleeting.

Full Res Here: http://fav.me/dca5aes

Still Don't Believe in Magic?

Part A
 Part B

Originally a request. Yeah, I played fast and loose with Pamphile. Fight me.

Part A Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dc89jcc
Part B Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dc89ke8

Let Him Down Easy

Stereotype Gun: Extravagance Can Come Later

Part 1
 Part 2

Originally a caption contest entry.

Part 1 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dc22jhv
Part 2 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dc22k9g

The Company: Meet and Greet

Originally a request. Also, a side-sequel to "The Company: We Aim to Please".

Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dbwq3gc

Don't Feel Guilty

Nothing clever to say here.

Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dbvbw0g

Monday, December 3, 2018

The Secret of the Gilded Lady

Part 1
 Part 2
 Part 3
 Part 4
 Part 5
 Part 6
 Part 7

My massive steampunk TG Adventure, which took me way longer than it should have to write. I kinda wanna revisit this at some point in the future.

Also available as a Kindle eBook through Amazon's Kindle Store! You can purchase it here or read it for FREE through Kindle Unlimited.

Part 1 Full Res: http://fav.me/dbqiy4s
Part 2 Full Res: http://fav.me/dbqqtc4
Part 3 Full Res: http://fav.me/dbr3ayk
Part 4 Full Res: http://fav.me/dbrqiyp
Part 5 Full Res: http://fav.me/dbsqiyk
Part 6 Full Res: http://fav.me/dbxgynq
Part 7 Full Res: http://fav.me/dbz5f6w
Epilogue Full Res: http://fav.me/dc5xkbz

Should Have Read the Fine Print

Always take the time to read over a contract - you never know how you're gonna get screwed.

So, what do you think? Is she worth $100,000?

Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dbqax3j

The Company: We Aim to Please

The first of "The Company" caps. I didn't intend for it to become a reoccurring theme, but hey - it worked out well.

Yeah, I've got a thing for redheads. Fight me.

Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dbq1m6d

Lighten the Load

Part 1
 Part 2

Originally a commission. College life is great, but can be stressful. Never spread yourself too thin.

Part 1 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dbpud11
Part 2 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dbpudti

The Geas: Not Really His Scene

Originally a commission. I don't have any musical talent, but would totally rock out to a cybergoth indie thrash-metal band called "Laser Garbage".

Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dbplfb4

The Fifth Stage

Originally a commission. Also, my first caption featuring a human-to-animal transformation.

Love and marriage sometimes suck.

Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dbpk4x4

Good Things Happen to Good People

Part A
 Part B

Originally a commission. I don't know if any objectively "good" things happen to any of my characters, but this one ended up slightly better than most of them.

Part 1 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dbpg128
Part 2 Full-Res Here: http://fav.me/dbpg1jb